1 MAY 1915, page 15


(To THE EDLTOlt OF 281 Sra,—Your number for April 17th had a very interesting article on " Loquacity." The writer abounded in theory—it was not for him to encumber it with......

The T11111,dren's Aid Committee.

riv , on Enrros or on "Seseroros."] Snt,—May I call the attention of your readers to a concert to be given in aid of the above charity—which is in great need of fund. to carry......

War Profits And Peace Of Mind.

[To vas EDITOR or res .Srecravos."] Sin,—Those of us who are working at home on war materials and making extra profit, whether as employers or workmen, would do well to think of......

"some Reflections Of An Alien."

ETo vas Mirror or ran SIR,—I, too, am an alien. May I as such say a few words in reply to the article by Mr. Sedlik in your issue of April 17th P For, with all due deference, I......

Living On Their Pay.

[To rigs Banos or rim ..iirscrsros.'1 Snt,—Since my letter printed in your issue of April 17th in reply to your correspondent " X." I have received several communications from......

M. Ca.mmierts's Lectures On Belgium.

[To THE EDIToa or nu ”13rxerrroa.1 Sm, — May I call the attention of your readers to the series d advanced lectures in French on the history of Belgium by M. Emile Cammaerta,......

Germans In Blood, British In Feeling. Ito Vs. Erma Or

on ..Srscraron71 Sla,—In happier times, some years ago, we met in friendly intercourse many German families attracted to the neigh- bourhood of Manchester by the facilities......

[ 5 . 5 Eriavrass.—we Regret That In Fusilier's" Letter...

the word " halfpenny " was printed instead of the figures Is. 2d.]......