20 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 27


[To Tin: EDITOR OY TILE! "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—The Committee of the Public Library at Lincoln are willing—and it is their own suggestion—to set apart a room to become the home for Tennyson manuscripts, early and other editions of the poems, portraits, busts, personal relics, &c., somewhat in the same manner as has been done so success- fully in the case of Wordsworth at Dove Cottage, Grasmere. It is believed that if it were known that such a centre was established many admirers of Tennyson would be glad to send some gift which would increase the value of the collection and make it worthy of a visit by lovers and students of the poet from all parts of the Empire. This is no time to ask for money; and only very slight expenditure is contemplated. But it is a time to suggest that in his memory who celebrated the charges of the Light and Heavy Brigades, and who wrote the " Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington," " The Relief of Lucknow," "The Revenge," and many other patriotic verses, lovers of Tennyson should be invited to give or lend some suitable contributions to a central Tennyson Museum in the capital town of his native county. Gifts will be received and acknowledged by the Librarian—Mr. A. R. Corns—Public Library, Lincoln ; and it would be well that before sending gifts the Committee should be consulted through him, for space is limited. We hope that many objects of first-rate interest and importance will be enshrined in what will, we believe, become in time a very notable Tennyson collection. The proposal has the approval of Lord Tennyson, who has already sent a number of valuable loans.—We are, Sir, &c., CREWE; ROSEBERY ; CURZON OF KEDLESTON; 13RYCE ; EDWARD LINCOLN; ANNE THACEERAY RITCHIE ; CHARLES VILLIERS STANFORD ; HERBERT WARREN ; H. MONTAGU BUTLER; HARDWICRE D. RAWNSLEY ; RUDY/RD KIPLING; GICORGH !!MACMILLAN; WILLINGHAM F. RA.WNS. LEY ; C. W. PENNELL, Chairman ; E. MANSEL SYMPSON, Vice-Chairman; A. R. CORNS, Librarian of the Lincoln Public Library.