20 NOVEMBER 1915, page 14

On The Western Front There Is Little To Report. The

Germans have made another attack upon the French in the Labyrinth and penetrated some trenches, but they were soon dislodged'. The German losses were high.......

We Must Now Look At The Situation From The Greek

side. On Thursday week the Greek Government, unable to govern without the co-operation of the Venezelist majority, dissolved the Chamber. New elections are fixed for December......

The Papers Of Friday Week Contained A Recruiting...

by Lord Derby repeating and emphasizing the substance of the statement which Mr. Asquith made in the House of Commons on November 2nd. "The Prime Minister on that occasion,"......

The First Inclination Of The Greek Authorities Seemed To Be

to say that in the imagined circumstances it would be their duty, according to international law, to intern any Allied troops. A moment's consideration will show that such a......

The Russians Have Had A Significant Success West Of Riga.

After a fortnight's constant fighting, they drove Marshal von Hindenburg back, took Kemmern and Anting, and advanced still further westwards. Russian ships of war co-operated.......

Mr. Asquith, Sir Edward Grey,, Mr: Balfour, And Mr. Lloyd

George, accompanied by their advisers, have visited Paris "for consultation with the French Government "—a antis. factory proof that the Allies mean to draw continually closer......

The Success Of Lord Derby'is Scheme Largely Depends Upon The

married men of military age understanding the situation clearly. Mr. Asquith is a master of clear state- ment, and it would be easy for him to put the matter beyond doubt. Ma......

The Papers Of Last Saturday Published The Letter In Which

Mr. Churchill resigned from the Cabinet. In this letter to Mr. Asquith Mr. Churchill points out that when he left the Admiralty be accepted the light duties. of the Duchy of......

Lord Derby's Announcement .seemed At First Sight Explicit...

brought compulsion a long step nearer—so the average reader said. Yet it led to considerable dispute, which culminated in the Commons on Tuesday. In answer to questions, Mr.......

Mr. Asquith,. In A Brief But Very Friendly Reply, Expressed

his sincere grief at Mr. Churchill's departure. We cannot honestly share this grief. We know the promptitude. and strong grasp of the situation which , Mr. Churchill displayed......

It Is Essential To Us To Have That, And We

mean to have it. King Constantine cannot be in any doubt about our complete power of exacting it. The Navy is our instrument. As a pre- liminary means of pressure, and we......