20 NOVEMBER 1915, page 9

Every Year Sees A New Batch Of Wholesome Books For

boys based on noble lives in different spheres. This year is ne exception, though the books have to vie with daily papers in times when active heroism is displayed on every side......

Cities In Evolution.*

PROFESSOR PATRICE GEDDES describes his book as "An Introduction to the Town Planning Movement and to the Study of Civics." We should have preferred as a sub-title "The Romance......

Arms And The Map"

IN the stirring speech which be delivered at the London Opera House on September 11th, 1914, Mr. Winston Churchill pointed out that the first principle which we should keep......


FROM DAY TO DAY, Lawns who like to possess small volumes suitable as birthday books or diaries with a quotation for each day will find a new one in The Boc:Intender Book of......