23 APRIL 1954, Page 4

John Prioleau

John Prioleau, who died in Jersey last week at the age °I 72, had in his day no equal as a motoring correspondent. Fit experience, wit and facility were the envy of fellow-speciali:ts, and many readers of the Spectator must remember the livtli' ness with which he dealt with motoring and its problems itt these columns. Last year, in the 125th anniversary nund er of the Spectator, he reviewed his fifty years of motoring and came to the conclusion that in recent years at any rate develcr ment and progress have not ‘always been synonymous in ltle matter of engine design. The real matriarchs he recalled Nv affection, especially his own first car, bought in 1903—a 12-13P Clement-whose four cylinders propelled it at a steady 20