23 APRIL 1954, page 6

Labour In The Wilderness

I N the language of politics the wilderness is the place where parties discover, or re-discover, their souls. Freed by electoral defeat from the cares of office and the......

"authors," Wrote Mr. Walter G. Harrap, Throwing His...

a controversy now current in The Times," need publishers and booksellers and are, therefore, vitally concerned with their solvency." This is a rattier specious generalisation.......


A Spectator's Notebook T Here Has Been A Good Deal Of

comment in London on the Daily Worker's failure, on Tuesday morning, to make any mention of Mrs. Petrov, whose adventures were given banner headlines in all the other......

The Abstainer

Reading Honor Croome's article concerning the statistics of medicine-taking in last week's Spectator, I began to wonder how many people—as long as their luck holds– go through......

Where He Was And The Docility With Which His Directives

were received, I took him for the leader of the expedition. It was* he told me, a Conducted Ramble organised by British Rail , ways. The ramblers, who detrained at one station......