23 APRIL 1954, page 13

Special Constables

Sitt,—In Scotland a proposal to reorganise the police brings up certain questions which troubled many at the time of the Conspiracy' Trial in the High Court of Justiciary last......

8 1r, - - May I Congratulate Your Paper On Bring- Ing

a real Expense of Shame' to the public's hotice. For one who has spent half a life- time in an attempt to solve humanly and sen- .RiblY the problem you set forth (the method......

, S , Ll T ,- 1 Was Interested In Your Comments On

▪ e problem of rehabilitation and resettlement of the disabled under the heading 'An Expense of Shame.' This is a problem of integrating various ministries, hospitals and......

Sir,—as One Professionally Concerned In Teaching German...

I suppose I can claim to know something about both phonetics and poetry. My feeling is that both Miss Hansford Johnson and Sir Compton Mackenzie are dangerously infected by the......

Homosexuals And The Law

SIR, —The correspondence in your columns on the above subject has been of value in so far as it ventilates the present public perplexity concerning the outcome of the apparently......

Sir—your Correspondent, Mr. Leigh Fermor, Voices What A...

people have been undoubtedly feeling but have lacked the ability to express. I venture to predict that whichever political party first declares its readiness . to examine this......

Seeing And Spelling

SIR,—Struck by the first two paragraphs of ' Sidelight' in the Spectator of April the 16th, I should like to congratulate Compton Mac- kenzie on retaining to this day his......

Sir,—thank You For An Expense Of Shame' In The March

26th issue of the Spectator. The Welfare Section of the Infantile Paralysis Fellowship dealt with 700 individual cases of disabled ex-polios last year. Most of them just wanted......