23 JANUARY 1904, Page 13


extraordinary how many of the men one meets are misled when Mr. Chamberlain comes to figures. The principal point in his latest speech is, I think, the fact that our exports last year have only increased by £7,000,000, while the German increase, when we get the complete figures, will probably be seen to be an increase of En,000,000, which is sufficiently alarming. He did not tell his audience that our total exports represent e7 per head of population, against under £4 10s. for Germany. Another comment on his figures will be found in a most interesting article on the aniline dye industry in Germany in the Daily Chronicle of the 20th inst.,- an industry which an English chemist was the first to start, but which has not been developed. If the writer's figures are correct, the exports cf this industry alone will total about £7,000,000, which is nearly sufficient to demolish the difference of which Mr. Chamberlain makes so much. Aniline dyes are allowed

free of duty into Germany.—I am, Sir, &c. J. M. N.