23 JANUARY 1904, page 15

The Coddling Of "infant Industries." [to The Editor Op The

" SPECTATOR:] Srn,—Your dictum that the wit is altogether on the side of the Free-traders would seem to hold as good for America as for England. I doubt, at any rate, whether......

[to Min Editor Op Tem "13pecraroa."1

SIR,—It will perhaps surprise the Spectator to learn that very many Liberal Unionists decline to be disbanded in the summary way proposed by the Duke of Devonshire, or to accept......

(to The Editor Of Tim "spectator:1

Stn,—It has been suggested that farming is an example of a ruined industry. In the course of some inquiries which I have made recently I have come across a fact that you may......

The French Theory Of Protection. Me Ma Editor Of The

"SPECTATOR.1 Snt,—There is an argument for Protection for wheat, which, in spite of your prepossessions, you will perhaps allow me to state very briefly. It is the argument I......