23 JANUARY 1904, page 2

Mr. Chamberlain Delivered What Every One Expected To Be His

great speech at the Guildhall on Tuesday afternoon to an audience which, though interested and in part favourable, was not enthusiastic. We have perhaps said enough of the......

Line Have Had Their Homes Destroyed, And Are At Present

besieged at the different Government stations. At the time- of the outbreak the Governor was absent on the expedition against the Bondelswarts in the south, more than twenty......

The Bishop Of Hereford (dr. Percival) Has Issued In The

form of a letter to a correspondent, not named, a passionate protest against Mr. Chamberlain's proposals. He refused, he says, to interfere in the recent election at Ludlow, but......

We Publish In Our Correspondence Columns Evidence Of A Most

outrageous attempt on the part of the Rand Daily Mail to pervert the testimony of Mr. Creswell and misrepresent the attitude of the Spectator in regard to the Chinese labour......

Very Little Information Is Given To The Public As To

the advance into Tibet. Colonel Younghusband, much hampered by deaths among his transport animals, is moving slowly towards the end of the Chumbi Valley; and as yet the Tibetan......

As For The Tariff Commission, It Was A Bold Move

to apply that term to a body the great majority of whom were personally interested in the decisions of the questions which they had to consider. Replying to the charge that he......

The Duke Of Devonshire Was The Principal Speaker At A

meeting organised by the local branch of the Unionist Free-Food League at Liverpool on Tuesday night. luau interesting survey, the Duke observed that in all the historic......