24 MAY 1834, Page 8



On the 15th inst., at Great 'fenny, near Sudbury, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev,

CHARLEs DUNDAS, or a daughter.

On the thou, Mat., at No. 3, Great Cumberland Street, the Lady of Lieut.-Cullom!

Doerr t.AS, of a daughter. Oil the 1511, inst., the Lady of THOMAS TyRWHITT DRAKE, 1:Sq., of a son.

Ott the 11th inst., at Latity-at, Somersetshire, the Lady of the Rev. J. G. Coraesaux.

of a daughter. On the 17th inst., at Hammersmith, the Lady of the Rev. FRANCIS THOMAS ATT.

Wool,, or a datighter.

On the 19th inst., at Norton Conyers, Lady GRAHAM, of a daughter: MARRIAGES.

Ott the 19th inst., at St. George's. Hanover Square. JOSHUA Roesler klinstrirr, Esq., of Anuabeg. colinly of Tipperary. to Er.izAarrit, daughter of Sir Charles Goring, of Ilightlen, Sussex, hat end. At Lawskill. the Rev. W. CoLviLT,F, Rector of Babylon, to LOUISA, daughter of the the late Nlaior.General Kelso. of Butway. Al Greenwich. the Rev. $ DAviss, Rector of Bringwyn, Itaduor, aud Incumbent of Oystermouth. Swansea. to Miss MARY ANN MASTERS, of Greenw ieh. II. SEWLLL, Esti „of Newport, Isle of Wight, to LUCINDA, flatighter of Major-Gereral Nistham, or Worttlin.,.

On the 19th boa., at Kensington, Lieut. Wit.t.tAm S AINEs PAYNE, Royal Artillery, to EM 515, eldest daughter of bteitt..Coloncl Fetid. 1'. It., late or lite Grenadier Guards. On the 151 ii inst., at Exmouth, II ENRY, second son or Colonel I.e Conde de Visme (('onde Sotiverain), late or the Coldstream Guards, to CAROLINE SARAH SOPHIA, Hall:alter 01 the I Ion. Alexander Jones, R.N. At St. John's. Itackney, the Rev. .1. MAY, Rector of Hulenton. Yorkshire, to MARIA, datrehter oldie late W. Frampton, Esq.. of Leaileithall Street, and of Peckham, Slaty. On the 2Ist itust. at St. Mary's Church, Cheltenham. CHARLEs 'Purrs:Run at, Esq.. of Mae 3Itiriough, Wexfordshire, to MARGARET, elder thruglaer of Major•Geueral Sir James Kearney, K.C.II., or Illaucheville, Kilkennyaltire, Ireland.


On the 11th inst., at Edenhall. Combed:mil, the Rev. Sir CHRISTOPHER JOHN MVP GRAVE, Bart.. in his 36t It year. On the I ltb,at Gam-Welt. Ross shire, in her 9.3d year, after the birth of a son, K STK CAR01.INE, wile of Sir Francis Mackenzie, Bart., and eldest daughter of John Smith Wright, P.,at. And on the sante day, the infant son of Sir Francis Mackenzie, Bart.

At York, HANNAH, daughter or tlw late Reatr-Atimiral Hugh Robinson. Groans litALI), Esq.. of Upper !holey Street, K.C..and a Botcher or Gray's lop. At It WIttuutel, Gourazy Roamers, Esq. of Ty Cerrig Derwen, Denbigh. Jot NAINSY, Esi1., Deputy Ordnance Storekeeper at St. John's, Newfoundland.

On the 17th or February, on his passage from China, on beard this Majesty's ship the Prinve Regent, GoRDON FoRliEs linurr,Iltird sou of the Rev. J. G. Brett, or Ranelagh, Chrlsea. it, his 17th year. on the lath inst.. P. O. SIIERsTON, Esq., of Stoberry Hill, near Wells, and Lieut.- Col. or the t:d Somerset Reginteut el Militia. On the 7th inst., at Valleylivid, Sir ItougaT Pazsvox, of Valley-field, Bart., in his Eit II year.