24 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—With reference to the Music Notes in your issue of the 27th ult., I cannot but believe that if the sale of tickets at the door for the above is not sufficient to secure their continuance there must be many listeners in the country who should, and would, support them by sending a donation to the B.B.C.

I have been sitting in my arm-chair 150 miles away from the Queen's Hall, and have listened in to each of the concerti with excellent results and in great comfort, at a fee which probably represents about the cost of a stall for one night, but is all I have to pay for everything for a whole year !

If there was no risk of a Chancellor of the Exchequer " raiding " the Fund I would suggest that we who have loud- speakers—and sometimes more than one in a house—ought to contribute a larger sum annually than at present we are required to do.—I am, Sir, &c., A SUBSCRIBER TO THE (6 POPS " OF OLD DAYS.