24 SEPTEMBER 1927, page 35

Equitable And Attractive.

From the foregoing it will be seen that specially favour- able terms have been given to holders of 5 per cent. War Bonds. At the time the prospectus was issued the 34 per cent.......

The One Essential.

If the Chancellor of the Exchequer some three or four years ago had adhered to his original programme, it might be said his pledge, to achieve successive large reductions in the......

Standpoint Of The Taxpayer.

Nor, so far as the present offer is concerned, is this argument very much impaired by the fact that the proposals seem more advantageous to the investor than to the Exchequer......

The Small Holder.

For the benefit of those who desire to see just how the proposals work out in the shape of income it may be useful, perhaps, to note that in the case of those who relinquish the......

Financial Notes

DULLER MARKETS. TEE long fortnightly account on the Stock Exchange, which, at the time of writing, is drawing to a close, has fulfilled the unfortunate reputation which usually......

Terms Of Conversion.

In the technical language of the prospectus holders- of the 34 per cent. Loan can exchange into the Conversion Loan on the basis of £132 15s. for each £100 nominal of War Loan......

Effect On The Market.

And yet the fact remains that the first effect of the Government's proposals has been to depress British Funds in general and the 3f per cent. Conversion Loan in particular. To......

Finance Public And Private

The Government's Conversion Proposals DunrNG the past week the Investment Markets have been very largely dominated by the Government's proposals to holders of debt maturing......