24 SEPTEMBER 1927, page 28

Primitive Hearths In The Pyrenees. Bs Ruth 0. Sawtell And

Ida Treat. (Appleton. 10s. 6d.)—To the writers of this book, the Pyrenees meant paleolithic caves. They were both well equipped for their task, for one holds the degree of......

The R.a.c. County Road Maps And Guides. No. 1. Somerset.

(E. J. Burrow. ls.)—These new guides are an excellent idea, superbly executed, and will come as a boon to the motorist, for they give him exactly what he wants to know, and......

The Outlaw Of Torn. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. (methuen. 7s.

6d.)—Mr. Burroughs writes a great deal better about apes than about Plantagenets. Although what Stevenson called " tushery " and Mr. Stephen Gwynn " Warclour Street English is......

Modern Denmark. By Hugh Jones. (p. S. King. 2s. 6d.)—the

story of the good Bishop Grundtvig's educational reforms in Denmark and their wonderful results, as also that of the International High School at Elsinore, contain lessons for......

• Tarboe. By Gilbert Parker. (cassell. 6s.)—this, Sir...

tells us, is the only story he has ever drawn from real life. Frank Tarboe was a professional gambler, whom the writer first met in his young days at Kansas, and whom he......

• Dies Too Early In The Book And Tantalizes Us,

but as the whole plot turns upon her will this is inevitable. There is no one else, however, in whom it is Possible to take much interest.......

Later Greek Religion. By Edwyn Bevan, D.litt. (j. M. Dent

and Sons. 5s.)—Dr. Bevan, in this book on Greek religious thought, adopts the admirable plan of making the philosophers of his period speak for themselves, and his volume, apart......


Arena Virumque NOT often enough has Mr. C. E. Montague expressed within the covers of a book his sense of the " beauty and poignancy " of mortal thing. ":'Beauty and poignancy "......

Current Literature

UP AND DOWN STREAM. By Harry Gosling, C.H., M.P. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.)—A Labour leader who has that rare distinction, the Companionship of Honour, must be an exceptional man.......

Ln Search Of Herself. By Mrs. Steuart Erskine. (herbert...

7s. 6d.)—Good dialogue, penetrating observation of modern manners and the modern girl, and some interesting pictures of European and African travel combine to make this an......

Greece Old And New. By Ashley Brown. (methuen. 10s. 6d.)—mr.

Ashley Brown is travel-agent and guide in this well-illustrated volume. He tells us exactly how to get to out-of-the-way places, and, when he has got us there, has a good deal......