25 MAY 1918, Page 11



Sia,—In view of the increasing attention given to the subject of education at present, might it not be advisable for the existing Governing Bodies of the big Public Schools for boys to accept the Principle of appointing women Governors P This suggestion is not put forward in any spirit of hostility, or as the echo or outcome of contention, but solely with a view to practical helpfulness. For some years past women have been appointed members of Local Education Authorities and Governors of various types of schools. In the majority of cases, these appointments have been justified and the principle established. As the mother of boys of school age, I feel strongly that on many aspects and activities of a boarding- school for boys a competent woman could advise usefully, and her mere membership of the Governing Body would go far to meet certain, views. Such an appointment would, I believe, be a source of strength to the existing Governors, and would also be a channel of communication between the Governors and those persons who might prefer to bring matters before the Governing Body through a woman. Mutual confidence between parents, including mothers, and the teaching staff would result from a fuller knowledge of the administrative side of a big school, and mutual co-operation, between men and women might do much to establish ever better conditions for the growing generation. Should the principle be adopted, I believe none would regret it, but care should be taken to appoint women with some administrative experience as well as with a practical knowledge of boys.—I am, Sir, &o.,