25 MAY 1918, Page 12



FIR,—In case you may be still open to the publication of schoolboy " howlers," I send you a few I came across many years ago.—I am, Hors d'oeuvre—A strike (out of work).

I niandum, retsina, jubes renovare dolorem—Infamous queen,

thou biddest me change a dollar.

Ecoute mss soupirs—Cut off my eyebrows.

Laura voix parcouraient scion [curs tailles—The voice varied

as the size of the waists.

A moment is a tendency to rotate round a body.

A circle is a round straight line with a hole in the centre.

A parallelopiped is a solid figure formed by the intersection of six parallel planes inclined at any angle.

Of whom was it said " He never smiled again "?—William Ruins did this after he was shot by the arrow.

Equinox is a land where a race of small people live.

Ostriches abound in the Sahara desert and their feathers are manufactured in the neighbouring towns.

The principal products of Kent are Archbishops of Canterbury.

What is an optimist and a pessimist?—One looks after your eyes, the other after your feet.