25 MAY 1934, Page 46

A Scottish Book List

Spring and Summer Books


Scottish Scene. By Lewis Grassi° Gibbdn and Hugh Macdiar- mid. (Jarrolds. 7s. 61) - - The Trial of Guy Fawkes and Others. By Donald Carswell. (William Ho4at). 10s. 6d.)

Looking Back. y Norman Douglas. (Chatto and Windus. 16s.) Loral of the Forty-Five. By W. C. Mackenzie.. ,(Moray Press. fis.) Wade in Scotland. By J. B. Salmond. (Moray Press. 58.) Rest and Be Thankful. By George -Blake. (The Porpoise Press.

7s. 6d.) Letters of Sir Walter Scott. Vol. VI. Edited by Professor H. J. C. Grierson. (Constable. 18s.) The Feudal Law. By Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton. A Trans- lation by the Rt. Hon. James Avon Clyde, P.C. (William Hodge. £5 5s.) Carlyle and Hitler. By H. J. C.. Grierson. (Cambridge Uni- versity Press. 2s. 6d.)

Robert the Brute, By Eric Linklater. ,Reter Davies. 5s.) Beyond the Great Glen. A Guide to the North-West Highlands. By F. R. Corson.' (Oliver and Boyd.- 10s. 61)

Christopher North. By Elsie Swann. (Oliver and Boyd. 12s. 6d.) Shetland. By William Moffat; (Heath Cranton. 7s. &I.)

My Scotland. By William Power. (The Porpoise Press. 75. 6d.) The Badge of Scotland. By Douglas Hay Scott. (Frederick Muller. 2s. 6d.)

Scotland's Road of Romance. By Augustus Muir. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.) Marathon and Salamis. By Compton Mackenzie. (Peter Davies. 5s.) Skye. By Alasdair Alpin MacGregor. (Maclehose. 5s.) Scotland Through French Eyei. By Paul Henri-Bordeaux. (Methuen. /s. 6d.) .


First Hymn to Lenin and other Poems. By Hugh Macdiarmid. (Unicorn Press. 10s. 6d.)

Stony Limits.- By Hugh Macdiarmid. (Gollancz. 6s.) Variations on a Time Theme. By Edwin, Muir.. (Dent. 2s. 6c1.) Squared Circle. By William Montgomerie. (Boriswood. 5s.) The Nettle and the Flower. By Kenneth Muir.. (Oxford University

Press. 6s.)

The Love Poems of RonaldVaorpbell 111-acfie. (Toulmin. 5s.)

The Devil's in the News. A Comedy. By Eric LinIdater. (Cape. 5s.) A Sleeping Clergyman and other Plays. By James Bridle. (Con- stable. 7s. 6d.) Frermx.

The Darkening. Green. By Compton Mackenzie. (Cassell. 7s. M.) Single Combat. - By Agnes Mum Mackenzie. (Constable. 7s. 6d..) Homeward- Journey.. By John -Macnair Reid. (The Porpoise Press. 7s. 61)

Stony (round. By Campbell Nairn. (The Porpoise Press. 7s. 6d.) The Free Fishers. By John Buchan. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.) The Noblest Prospect. By Michael Murray. (Duckworth. 75. 6d.)