25 MAY 1934, page 44

, The Favourable Impression Created By The Annual Report Of

the. British, Match. Corporation, was _strengthened by the statements at the recent annual meeting, a notice of which appeared in our last issue. In the course of his remarks,......

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HAMBROS BANK. At the recent meeting of Hambros Bank, the Chairman, Mr. Olaf Hambro, made some shrewd and interesting observa- tions concerning the general financial situation.......

This Company Has Issued A Very Satisfactory Report...

operations for 1933, - The ; profit from. the Fire account was particularly good, amounting tii£501,64`eoniAred with only .1281,000 in the preVious yearimhile from4heAccident......

The Imperial And International Communications, Ltd., Has...

showing that the Company made a larger profit than in the previous year. The gross revenue was £400,000 lower, but owing to a reduction in working expenses of over £650,000, the......

Are You Going To 'scotland ?

The Travel Mabager of THE SPECTATOR, who has recently returned from Scotland, will be glad to reply to inquiries from readers wishing to spend a holiday in. Scotland during the......