26 DECEMBER 1947, Page 25


2 3 4 5 6 o7



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' rit Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened alter noon on Tuesday week Yartuasy 6th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crolsword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a ad. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be ,gccepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]

13. In this is vacillating. (8.) 15. Chap's only cue (snag.). (12.) 12. Shylodc said that he had been 18. It's simply fantastic, but how 10. Bad tea mixture. (6.) 9. Man of type rather than type of man. 5. This critic should have hit the mark.

rated here. (6.) amusing ! (12.) (6.) 23. Roofed and nearly all out of the

shell. (IL) SOLUTION TO 24. Marry,-the batmaker's daughter CROSSWORD No. 455 (IL)

26. Calf-skin grown up. (6.)

27. The Confederates appeared to think It theirs. (8.)

28. Having done his work he sat in the sun. (6.) 29. / Caroline, Shirley's friend. (8.)


1. Meredith's love. (6.) 2. A coat for the general. (6.) 3. Try love and no secrecy. (7.) 4. "An - by right ; by courtesy a man" (Austin). (4.) 6. It may be tipped or shot. (7.) 7. If this noble house grew straw it would be useful to Luton. (8.) 8. Impolite nose. (8.) 11. Bolted after • little laugh, and where. (7.) 14. High fliers to the sun. (7.)

ACROSS 16. Would one expect to find the (8.) 20. "They are as gentle As - blowing

21. A Roman in Chicago displaces the 22. Bumble's office. (6.) 25. Collins had none for a book. (4.) 17. Tea chats (anag.). (8.) 19. Shared by Sidney and the Countess fashionable aspect of it, becoming a woman. (6.) below the violet" (Shakespeare). (7.) of Pembroke. (7.)