27 JANUARY 1933, Page 18


• [To the Editot•ofTdu SPECTATOR.].'

Sin,—May I ask that in your "Radio Review " drasr attention to the utterly disPrOpOrtionateamciunt of time given to dance music in the LondOn Regional programme: Every day one-eighth of the time frOin noon till midnight is devoted to this. One day lately one-sbith was -given to itL-Lthe"intiSie beginning at 10, instead of 10.80 p.m. In addition the gramophone remit& which are put on during intervidircon- sisted on two days running entirely of dance musid. An excuse for this is, I believe, that there is a d_ errand for 'dance Music. I submit that people who listen to the news are'not of the type who would get up immediately and spend a quarter of an hour 'in dancing ! In common; doubtlesS; with many others, I roach enjoyetIthe illustrationt to Mi. Rorke's " talks " on Beethoven. The-B.B.C. would confer a-great fay:Mir on numerous listeners by suliatituting records of -classical Music for the dance music records, and by-giving talks similar to Mr. Rorke's occasionally: A friend wrote to rile laat year (an accomplished amateur ninsician)—" Since I have had a wireless set I have heard more good—and•bad—musie than in the whole of my long life." The proportion of :" bad " to • ". good." in the London Regional :programme -:suggests that between Falstaff's sack and bread !•-•• I commend the matter to-your notice, and may mention that we have taken The'Speckdor

regularly for thirty years.--I am, Sir, . . . •