27 JANUARY 1933, page 22

Frederick The Great

Superman. By Nathaniel Ausubel. (Rontledge. 18s.) IT is strange that in a civilization which makes a point of dividing conduct into the good and the bad, the honourable and the......

Mr. Wells's New Novel

The Bulpington of Blup. By H. G. Wells. (Hutchinson. 8s. M.) WHEN Mr. Wells's new novel came into my hands, I went to an old trunk and took from it a fat brown exercise book. It......

Russia—then And Now

Rural Russia Under the Old Regime. By Geroid Tanquary Robinson. (Allen and Unwin. its.) Low's Russian Sketchbook. Drawings by Low. Text by Kingsley Martin. (Gollancz. 8s. 6d.)......