27 JANUARY 1933, page 14

The Urban Bird.

It has been explained why the black-headed gulls came to London. They were driven by the unusually hard winter of 1895 and so acquired the habit. Doubtless the explanation is......

The Garden Census.

It is the engaging habit of some countrymen to keep a census of the birds that visit their garden and of those that nest there. Among such records as I have heard or seen lately......

There Are Many Signs That The Local And The Co-operative

markets are corning into their own. Roadside marketing has established itself in all the more intensive areas of cultivation, such as Pershore and the fruit areas of Kent. That......

Country Life

A COLLECTIVE COUNTRY MARKET. About midsummer an experiment in both production and marketing was started in East Grinstead on the lines of an earlier trial trip. Its success and......

Such An Organization As This, Which Gives The Smallest Pro-

ducer the benefit of as good a market as anyone else, provides opportunity for all sorts of practical technical instruction, in grading, jam-making, scientific cultivation or......

What Precisely Is This Collective Country Market ? The...

has been held on Saturdays only. Stalls are taken for a small fee by individuals or co-operative groups—of small holders, allotment-holders, Women's Institutes or whoever may......

What An Acre Can Do.

The idea of the market, which owes much to Mrs. Musgrave, who has had experience of such movements in the United States, springs from a perception of the immense amount of food......

A Binged Starling.

How widespread is the habit of ringing birds for the sake of discovering their migrations we know by an increasing number of examples ; but the flourish can be put on the study......