27 MAY 1911, Page 18



Sin,—Having been abroad on duty in the Near East for the last three months I have not been able during that time to do much to further the cause of the League. Some fresh members, however, have joined us. While abroad, from conversations with persons who have occu- pied high positions in our Colonies, I had full confirmation of the suspicion that what may fairly be called "veiled slavery" does exist in the twentieth century within the British Empire. Till this stain is removed it will be difficult for us as a nation to take our proper part in remedying such horrible evils as the "Crime of the Congo.'

With a view to pushing forward the main work of our League, -viz., the education of the electorate on matters affecting the honour of the country, I have arranged for a matference of all • members, associates, subscribers and friends to be held at Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, by kind permission of the Anti-Slavery Society, on May 30th at 3 p.m. The meeting will commence with speeches from representatives of the four societies whose work and aims the League is en- deavouring to assist. Mr. E. D. Morel will speak on the Congo question, Mr. H. W. Nevinson on present slavery in other countries, Mr. H. S. Polak (who is just returning from • South Africa) on the condition of the Indians in South Africa, and Mr. Noel Buxton, M.P., on the Balkan question. Speeches will be limited to fifteen minutes. There will be tea at 4.30, after which a consultation will be held as to the best means of pushing forward the work. An advisory committee will also be appointed.

Tickets of admission will be issued on application. You are cordially invited to bring any friend or friends likely to be interested, to whom tickets will be sent on receipt of their names and addresses.

The question will also be considered as to whether an amalgama- tion cannot be carried out with the League of St. George, which was inaugurated for a similar purpose four months after our League was formed.—I am, Sir, &c., BERESFORD ParrER, Hon. See. (Archdeacon in Cyprus).

Rake Manor, Milford, Surrey.