27 MAY 1911, page 15

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator:1 Sir, — The Spectator Is,

as a rule, so conspicuously fair that it seems to me beneath its high standard to say, as in your issue of May 20th, that whatever the President of the English Church Union may......

To The Editor Op The "sreorrroze."1 Sin,—as Your First...

on this subject, perhaps you will allow me to say a few words in answer to Mr. Athelstan Riley's letter in your issue of May 20th. Being attacked, he- defends himself, and that......

A National Scheme For The Endowment Of Home Science.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:] trust you will allow me to place before your readers the following particulars in regard to the National Scheme for Endowment of Home Science......

The Bishop Of Hereford And Non- Conformists.

[TO THE EDrrOS Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,,—One of your correspondents says that, in his opinion, the claim to the title of Churchman—i.e., his Church— depends upon whether the......