27 MAY 1911, page 14

To The Editor Op The "sreorrroze."1 Sin,—as Your First...

on this subject, perhaps you will allow me to say a few words in answer to Mr. Athelstan Riley's letter in your issue of May 20th. Being attacked, he- defends himself, and that......

[to The Editor Or The " Spectator.1

Sin,—Mr. Athelstan Riley, no doubt unintentionally, seems to etheibute to me the opinion that " the official clergy owe their appointment to the English people at large of every......

The House Of Laymen.

(To TER EDITOR 01 TUX " SPECTATOR...1 Stir,—If I wished to persuade a thoughtful and educated Englishman that the House of Laymen is not competent to represent the English laity......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator." J

Sra,—Mr. Riley's letter suggests two reflections. (1.) The Houses of Laymen are an attempt, at present unsuccessful, to bring lay opinion into the counsels of the Church. They......

[to The Editor Op The " Stectitor."1 Sir,—it Is Difficult

to read Mr. Riley's letter with any semblance of patience and self-control. His aim is to reduce, as far as in him lies, the National Church to the strict limits of a sect, and......