28 DECEMBER 1929, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SrEcraTon.]

SIR,—Does the decline of regular attendance at public worship really imply spiritual apathy ? It may be that things arc not what they seem and that underlying this apparent indifference there is fermenting a realization that spiritual ideals, whilst the most intangible, are the most real. A growing number, not associated with any particular church, feels that in them and around them is a spiritual force which is related to and has a vital influence on their lives and outlook. Is it beyond the power of man to interpret this spiritual force in such a way as to make it plain to those who are reaching out for guidance ?

The writer, who is an ordinary business man occupied daily in dealing, more or less successfully, with mundane affairs, firmly believes there are large numbers, who in a spiritual sense, see or have seen visions which are incontrovertible evidence of•the reality of the spiritual. Visions not in dreams but in the broad light of day when mind was consciously

functioning. Do they all feel prompted, like the writer when asked, to reply in the words of Sir Bors in the romance called The Holy Grail:

"Ask me not. I may not speak of it. I saw it."