28 DECEMBER 1929, page 2

The Proposed Tariff Truce Australia Is By No Means The

only offender against the spirit of international co-operation, to which lip-service is paid each year in Geneva. A meeting has recently been held in Paris to examine the......

The Severest Critics Were Members Of The Labour Party. Mr.

Wheatley, who is as proficient in cold satire as any member of the House, was merciless. The Lord Privy Seal, he said, had sincerity but not Socialism he frequently lunched with......

The Way To Co-operation In India On The Eve Of

the National Congress at Lahore several of the political leaders in India so far rallied to the concep- tion of a Round-table Conference as to'request an inter- view with Lord......

Peace In Industry.

There is very good news from what used to be the seat of industrial war. Although the employers' bodies—the Federation of British Industries and the National Con- federation of......

Mr. Baldwin's Speech Was A Succession Of Quiet Medita-...

His criticism was sorrowful and sympathetic by turns, never bitter. He himself, he explained, had acted throughout on the knowledge that the only real resources of this country......

Mr. Thomas Had Little More To Say Than That The

Labour Government were spending much more on the cure of unemployment than had been spent by the late Govern- ment. He showed genuine courage, however, in repeating his......

The Egyptian General Election The Egyptian General...

last Saturday and resulted, as was expected, in an overwhelming success for the Wafd. The Liberal Party, whose leader, Mahmoud Pasha, negotiated the proposed Treaty with Mr.......

The Australian Tariffs The Criticism In This Country...

the Australian section of the London Chamber of Commerce) of the new Australian Government's tariffs has provoked a reply from Mr. Scullin, the Prime Minister. He pleads, above......