28 DECEMBER 1929, page 1

The Severest Critics Were Members Of The Labour Party. Mr.

Wheatley, who is as proficient in cold satire as any member of the House, was merciless. The Lord Privy Seal, he said, had sincerity but not Socialism he frequently lunched with......

The Government, He Went On, Having Protected The Owners, Did

very little to protect the consumers. It seemed to be indecent even to mention the price of coal when the consumer was concerned ! The owners and the miners had " combined to......

Mr. Thomas And Unemployment On Friday, December 20th,...

House of Commons discussed unemployment Mr. Thomas was as usual ill at ease. There is a growing tendency to sympathize with him on the ground that no man can cure unemploy- ment......

Everybody Must Be Struck By The Paradox Of A Labour

Government thrusting away from them the Sankey Commission and rigging up a capitalistic combination which can limit and fix prices under the shelter of the law. In the division......

News Of The Week

The Coal Bill. O N Thursday, December 19th, Mr. Lloyd George took up the debate on the Coal Bill where it had been left by Mr. Graham and Sir Herbert Samuel. He has never spoken......

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