28 DECEMBER 1929, Page 3

In the United States this White Paper seems to have

caused a quite unnecessary pother, being widely inter- preted as an offence to American sovereignty. Our New York correspondent last week seemed to encourage that American attitude of feudal independence which makes a mockery of the whole international peace move- ment. The less careful American newspapers have misunderstood the situation, for the Memorandum clearly says, " As between members of the League there can be no neutral rights because• there can be no neutrals," and leaves the question of American responsibility in the air, where the Americans are, unfortunately, content to leave it. There is still evidently much confusion of thought, due to the use of the same word " War " both for independent State action and for action taken on behalf of the com- munity of States {minus America). We agree, however, with the Manchester Guardian that the terms of inter- national law should be reinterpreted and renovated as soon as possible so that it may be possible to discuss the " Freedom of the Seas " in terms of realities.

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