28 JANUARY 2006, Page 20

Too much, too young

From Judith Hereford

Sir: I agree with Leo McKinstry (‘Hate, hypocrisy and hysteria’, 21 January). To read the newspapers, you’d think that Ruth Kelly was singlehandedly responsible for all the outbreaks of paedophilia in Britain, when in fact it’s the fault of our debased culture. But let’s not forget that as Education Secretary Kelly contributes to that culture, especially with regard to the government’s sex education policy. If school teachers talk to children as young as seven about sex, telling them anything goes, why should they worry when another adult, in another place, broaches the same subject? When every magazine they open tells them about sex, how are nineand ten-year-olds going to know to be on their guard when a ‘family friend’ offers them lessons?

In my opinion, young people should not be taught about sex until they have the ability to distinguish between information and exploitation.

Judith Hereford Mordiford, Hereford