28 JANUARY 2006, page 20

Too Much, Too Young

From Judith Hereford Sir: I agree with Leo McKinstry (‘Hate, hypocrisy and hysteria’, 21 January). To read the newspapers, you’d think that Ruth Kelly was singlehandedly......

From Michael O’shea

Sir: In his excellent article on Ruth Kelly Leo McKinstry mentions her ‘religious’ opposition to abortion. Perhaps she opposes abortion not so much because her religion requires......

A Countryside For All

From Andrew Wood Sir: Mian Ridge (‘A question of ethnics’, 21 January) correctly outlines one of the aims of the Countryside Agency’s Diversity Review. However, the article......

Exploiting Hyde Park

From Nicholas Goodison Sir: It was refreshing to see Olivia Glazebrook’s beef about the misuse of Hyde Park (Diary, 21 January). It should be a park at all times and not a venue......

Paying For Others’ Education

From Andrew Currie Sir: In his article on David Cameron’s approach to education (‘Why did he do it?’, 14 January) Ross Clark moans about having to pay twice for his children’s......

Capitalism And Communism

From Michael Petek Sir: The vestigially Christian culture of the West took on communism in Europe and won the Cold War (‘The danger of China’, 21 January). But now that the......

Isis, Osiris And Jesus

From Helen Style Sir: Bruce Anderson says that the religion of the ancient Egyptians was ‘barbarous’ (Travel, 21 January). Its features include a god who created the world out......