28 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 1

While the events which we have described have been going

on in what we call the centre, the extreme Russian right wing has apparently been making fair progress in East Prussia, though for some reason neither side talks much about that part of the theatre of the war. Moreover, the situation on the extreme Russian left — that is, in the Cracow region—seems to be, if we regard it as a whole, highly favourable to the Russians. There have been no sensational successes, though very considerable captures of prisoners and guns in small, or what we now consider small, packets. The last news, indeed, mentions a packet of eight thousand prisoners. Much more important than this is the news that the passes through the Carpathians, which have always been the road from Russia into Hungary, are now firmly in the possession of the Russians, and that there is very little or nothing to stop them from pouring into the Hungarian plain.