28 NOVEMBER 1914, page 11


[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC.LT0/1.1 SIR,—The entrance of the Ottoman Empire into the great European war has made it also an Asiatic one, and possibly a literal as well as a......

Football And Recruiting.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SrEcTAToR.'] SIR,—Knowing your deep and active interest in the recruiting problem, may I ask you kindly to bring the following sugges- tion before the......

Letters To The Editor.

RUSSIA AND CONSTANTINOPLE. [To THE EDITOR 0/ TES "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Your article on "Russia and Constantinople" in the issue of November 14th strikes a note which will be......

" Le Mot Propre."

F RANCE is Europe's duelling-ground, and the best phrases for literary duellers have ever been forged in France. When Romantics and Classics were crossing swords, description......

[to The Editor 01 Ter "spectator. "] Sir, — However Much...

to be desired that football-players and other athletes should go to the front, is it quite fair, when our system is, rightly or wrongly, a voluntary one, to make a dead set at......