28 NOVEMBER 1914, page 12


[To TIM EDITOR Or TEL "EFECTATOR.1 SIR,—Reading your articles in the Spectator about the need of more men induces me to write and let you know the position out here. There are......

[to The Editor Op She "spectator. " ] Sir,—in Your...

for more men there is one item of information lacking. We were told some weeks ago, and still believe, that, as far as the British contingents are con- cerned, the most critical......

[to Ma Editor Or Ibm "spectator:1 Sir,—in View Of Your

recent articles on recruiting, you may be interested to hear what two or three busy women in this manufacturing town have done in their sr are time in this direction. Though the......

[to The Editor 01 Ter "spectator. "] Sir, — However Much...

to be desired that football-players and other athletes should go to the front, is it quite fair, when our system is, rightly or wrongly, a voluntary one, to make a dead set at......

[to Nui Editor Or Thy E Sexcreeme]

SID,—If Members of Parliament were to go through their constituencies, towns, villages, hamlets, farms, as they go through them when an election is pending, and were to tell the......

Physical Standards For Recruits.

[To THZ EDITOR OF TEl " STECTATOR."1 SIR,—It would be a public service if you .could elicit from the War Office a statement of any intelligible principle on which the......

Recruiting In Scotland.

[To THB EDITOR OF TEl "SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—With reference to Sir EL Shaw Stewart's letter to the Spectator (November 21st), it may be of some slight assistance to send you the......