28 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 2

In the House of Lords on Thursday Lord Kitchener made

a general statement in regard to the progress of the war. After well-deserved tributes to the Belgian and French Armies, and to the splendid way in which the latter have held their tremendous line without its being penetrated, he dealt with our own position. The supreme effort of the Germans was reached on November 11th, when the Prussian Guard was ordered to force its way through our lines at all costs and to carry them by sheer weight of numbers. He then went on to describe how French reinforcements bad given our men a certain amount of rest, and he added that several battalions of Territorial troops had now joined General French's forces and made their presence felt. He noted the greatness of our losses, but added that rein- forcements had replaced the casualties, and that the troops under General French were now "refitted, in the best of spirits, and confident of success under their leader."