28 NOVEMBER 1914, Page 3

On Wednesday in the Commons Mr. Bonar Law's protest of

Monday about the Censorship had an important sequel. Lord Robert Cecil moved an amendment to the clause in the Defence of the Realm Consolidation Bill which authorizes Courts-Martial " to prevent the spread of reports likely to cause disaffection or alarm." The amendment substituted the following words : " To prevent the spread of false reports, or reports likely to cause disaffection to his Majesty, or to interfere with the success of his Majesty's forces by land or sea, or to prejudice his Majesty's relations with foreign Powers." Sir Stanley Buckmaster agreed that the original words might cause the impression that the Govern- ment wished to use the Bill for concealing facts, or for political purposes, such as saving themselves from criticism. The Government, of course, had no such intention, and he accepted the amendment, as well as others in the same sense.