29 NOVEMBER 1940, Page 13

SIR,—On reading the article by " Janus " against the

bombing of Rome by reason of its various antiquities, I feel that I must disagree with him. Who cares whether the Forum or the Colosseum is razed to the ground. At least 9c per cent. of the British working population have never seen, and have no wish to see, these two objects which are, as like as not, an eyesore. They are just there for the large-stomached capitalists who go because they think it is high class. • There was also a letter which advocated the bombing of Rome but not the Vatican City. Why not? The Vatican City has done nothing to stop the war All this blabber about the Holy City, &c., is absolute trash, and it with all the rest of Rome should be visited nightly by our bombers in the same manner as London is by theirs.—Yours

sincerely, J. FAIRLESS.

to Saltwell Place, Gateshead-on-Tyne, Co. Durham.