29 NOVEMBER 1940, page 11

Woods And Youth Woods And Forest's Cover Twenty-three Per...

of the earth's total surface ; the United States has an estimated reserve of 385 billion cubic feet of soft timber, but is cutting four times as fast as she grows ; Canada has......

Milestones The Milestones Of Every English Road Have Been...

But where? For a century, in some cases for two centuries, rural authorities have preserved them assiduously. It would be un- fortunate if these historical, and in many cases......

Country Life

Preserving the Countryside It is pleasant but surprising news to learn that the Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservation Society has now been in existence for......

The Cinema

" Our Town." At the London Pavilion. Tuts film is pure both in its interest and exek.ution. It is also completely unorthodox in technique ; and it contains no stars. As a result......

State Ownership He Wants To See Other Changes In The

organisation of English forestry, among them State-ownership of forests. Again the facts are interesting. In England the total forest area represents only 5.6 per cent. of the......