29 NOVEMBER 1940, page 12

Letters To The Editor

[In view of the paper shortage it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they......

Air Raid Wardens

StR,—Lady Violet Bonham Carter's admirable article in your issue of November 8th, on the needs of Air Raid Wardens, will be welcomed by all who have worked with the A.R.P.......

Should Rome Be Bombed ?

Sut,—I read a great deal in the papers about the propriety or impro- priety of bombing Rome. What I have not seen mentioned among the reasons against bombing Rome is the fact......

Sm,—it Is Surely An Unfortunate Sign That " Janus "

should have so many angry critics when he suggests that Rome might be spared our bombs as much as possible. In a war to maintain the values of western civilisation it is......

Writings On Politics Sir, —in Last Week's Issue Of The...

Lord David Cecil wrote of the works of the first Lord Halifax that "they are almost the only English writings on politics equally worth reading for their thought and their art."......