2 DECEMBER 1922, Page 33


ALTHOUGH the repercussion of events in Greece is not likely to be great whatever happens there, nothing during the week has caused such consternation as the execution of the Greek ex-Ministers on Tuesday. The condemned men were the ex-Prime Minister, M. Gounaris ; General Hadjianestis (who recently commanded the routed Greek Army in Asia Minor), and four other ex-Ministers. If reports from Greece are true, General Hadjianestis was an eccentric person who could hardly be regarded as fully responsible. It is said that one of his pastimes was to salute the image of himself in a looking-glass. The charge against the condemned men was that in procuring the return of King Constantine they concealed from the nation the dangers of the restora- tion; that they supported him in order to enjoy office ; that they stifled by terrorism all public manifestations of discontent ; and that they were the authors of the dadde in Asia Minor.