2 DECEMBER 1922, page 33

Last Week We Did Not Do More Than Mention, As

we were going to press, the opening of Parliament. The Address was moved by Captain Brass, who won a notable Unionist victory at Clitheroe, and was seconded by Mr. Margesson.......

In The House. Of Commons On Wednesday Mr. Bonar Law

had to defend this policy of boycott, and in our opinion he did so satisfactorily in spite of Labour cries of dissent. Surely the Labour Members do not think that if a Labour......

-news Of The Week.

A LTHOUGH the repercussion of events in Greece is not likely to be great whatever happens there, nothing during the week has caused such consternation as the execution of the......

Another Reflection Which Gives Us Pause Is That In An

ultimate sense the late British Government under the direction of Mr. Lloyd George were largely responsible for the ruinous Greek policy in Asia Minor. But if this fact suggests......

The Court Martial Delivered Judgment In The Early Hours Of

Tuesday morning, and within a few hours the condemned men were all shot. M. Gounaris, who was extremely ill with para-typhoid, was carried from his bed in a hospital and was......


FOR TILE 1NG SATURDAY, HOMER 2, 1921 - No. 4,927.] [ Rscuscsitso Li Al PRICE... I). NEWSPAPER. lir Post 71G. POSTAGE ABROAD 2......

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