2 DECEMBER 1922, page 35

That Is An Avowal To Which It Is Impossible To

give too much publicity. It is the cardinal fact of the move- ment. Equally important is the oath administered to the unemployed by the organizers of the agitation. It runs as......

In This Context We May Notice The Admirable Words In

which Sir James Craig invited the co-operation of the Roman Catholic minority in the Northern Province and promised them the fullest consideration of their point of view. It is......

The Times On Thursday Reported An Important And...

by Lord Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings, near Thebes. It had been generally supposed that this famous valley had yielded up all its mysteries long......

We Deal Elsewhere With The Problems Of The Lausanne...

but may here give the audacious comment of an irresponsible literary correspondent :— " Ismet Bey appears to be a fair and reasonable man with no desire to trick his fellow......

We Deeply Regret To Chronicle The Death Of Mrs. Meynell,

the distinguished poet and woman of letters. Great refinement both of conception and workmanship was the most remarkable quality of her work. The friend of most of the greatest......

We Do Not Suggest For A Moment That The Mere

holding of these views should be regarded as a crime, nor would we do anything to drive such expressions of opinion underground. They must, however, be most carefully noted. The......

Beyond This Chamber Was Another Containing Gold Beds And...

inlaid boxes and alabaster vases. Beyond this again there was a third chamber which may be the actual tomb of the king. The name of the king was Tutankhamen of the XVIIIth......

At A Bazaar Held In Belfast Last Saturday Lady Carson

read a letter from Lord Carson which will win the approval of all fair-minded people and show how cruel and unjust has been the misrepresentation from which Lord Carson has......
