30 JUNE 1906, Page 12


The Fields of France. By Madame Mary Duclaux. With 20 Illustrations in Colour by W. B. Macdougall. (Chapman and Hall. 21s. net.)—This is a new and attractive edition of a very charming book, reviewed some time ago in the Spectator. Besides the coloured illustrations, so much the fashion at the present time—some of which are very pretty and characteristic, others, as it sometimes happens with this kind of reproduction, a little staring and crude—there are various additions to the letter- press which can only be improvements, coming as they do from the author's own hand. Thus the new edition does not appeal to the public through its illustrations alone. Madame Duclaux's writing needs no fresh praise from us. All who care to know France as it really is, with an added knowledge of the past that has made the present, may be advised to read this delightful book.