30 JUNE 1906, page 32

',white Labour For The South African Mines.

[To vas EDITO8 OF THM "Srsorrroli."] eat fallu, par exemple, qu'ellea eussent besoin l'une de l'autre, que Is riche ne put s'enrichir qu'en demandant au pauvre son travail, et......

The Baghdad Railway.

(To THY EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Will you permit me through your columns to thank your correspondent " C. S. H." (Spectator, June 16th) for the sound view he takes of......

Old-age Pensions.

[To T113 Karma Or TIIII .srscrAroa..j SIR, — If, as f believe is the case, the writer of the article in the Spectator of. June 9th condemns the giving of any publics money......

Religious Education In New South Wales. [to Vim Editor Op

Till "BPROTATOR.".1 SIR,—I have just seen a copy of the Spectator of March 3rd, and though my letter must be late, I venture to correct a very misleading impression of......