30 JUNE 1906, page 33

The Baghdad Railway.

(To THY EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Will you permit me through your columns to thank your correspondent " C. S. H." (Spectator, June 16th) for the sound view he takes of......

Can Animals " Suffer " ?

[To TUB EDITOR OF TRY " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, In the comments contained in your issue of June 23rd on the first chapter of Mr. Robinson's book, the writer apparently assents to the......

[to Tor Editor Or Try E'srscreroa.")

understand the argument of Mr. E. Kay Robinson's "Religion of Nature," as summed up in your last issue (June 23rd, p. 979), to enforce the conclusion, " Man alone can •......

Save Us From Our Friends.

[TO THE EDITOR Or TUB "SrlICTATOR.” . 1 you permit me to ask if it be fair that thousands of women householders, landowners, and law-abiding citizens should be jumbled up under......

Ireland As A Tourist Resort.

[TO TIM EDITOR OP TER " SPRCTAIT011."] SIR,—Once more I venture to draw the attention of your readers to the steady progress that is being made every year in throwing Ireland......