30 JUNE 1906, Page 33


[To TUB EDITOR OF TRY " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, In the comments contained in your issue of June 23rd on the first chapter of Mr. Robinson's book, the writer apparently assents to the author's dictum that animals do not suffer pain, since they do not know that they suffer. Experience shows that they do dread pain, often connecting it with certain causes which they ingeniously avoid. It also . shows that they not only feel pain as human beings do, but are less able to endure it, not seeing beyond it. I have, how- ever, in mind an instance in which a dog of ours quietly sub, mitted to a cutting operation which it evidently felt would lead to immediate relief, which was the case. Mr. Robinson's argument applies equally to an infant who does not know when a pin has been allowed to run into him, but loudly proclaims the fact.—I am; Sir, &c., M. OR N.