30 JUNE 1906, Page 35

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " srscr.rost. - ] SIR,— Knowing the interest

you take in the military training of our population, I venture to suggest that the Militia Experiment now being tried might be made the basis of a large, well-trained Militia Force, with, in the course of years, immense reserves available for foreign service when necessary. From the series of questions put to the men of your Experi- mental Company, and the answers given, we may take it that your system of six months' drill for young men from seven- teen to nineteen or twenty would be very popular, and that a busy week every year under canvas at good labourers wages would also be appreciated. I suggest that with a retaining fee of, say, £5 per annum a large nuniber of recruits might be enlisted, with a liability to come out as a Second Reserve In case of a great war requiring forces. beyond the number of the Regular Army. If the Government would be inclined to try the experiment, the question of housing the men whilst going through their six months' drill might be simplified by quartering the bulk of them in the various. towns (centres of districts) where they would be drilled.' The officers might be taken to a great extent from the retired list of the Regular Army. Though conscription would be unpopular at present, the plan I hive roughly sketched would, I hope, be nearly as effective and at a moderate cost.—I am, Sir, &c., AN OLD .VOLUNTEER.