30 SEPTEMBER 1882, Page 2

Mr. Michael Devitt has prepared a new scheme for Irish ,

political organisation. He wishes to form a National Industrial. Union of Ireland, with branches in every parish, with county councils, and with a central executive, which shall devote itself to carrying twelve projects. Those are :-1. The complete- abolition of the Land-law system. 2. The amelioration of the condition of the agricultural labourers. 3. The erection of better dwellings for the people. 4. The revival of manufacturing indus- tries. 5. The development of Irish fisheries. 6. Improvement in- methods of laud cultivation. 7. The establishment of co- operative loan societies, for the advance of money with which to work unoccupied or waste land. 8. To improve the scien- tific and practical education of the artisan and labouring classes, by the establishment of mechanics' (evening) institutes throughout the country. 9. Encouragement of national literature, and cultivation of the Irish language. 10. Repeal of the Act of Union. 11. The abolition of the grand-jury system of county government. 12. Improvement of repre- sentation on local boards and municipal bodies. Pending self-government, Mr. Devitt desires extension of the franchise and payment of Members, the last being an idea which, we sus- pect, will not gratify all his Parliamentary friends. They will not be eager for so much competition.