30 SEPTEMBER 1882, page 3

Professor S. F. Thompson Reports To The Times Another Ap-

plication of electricity as a motor. On Thursday, the Electrical Power Storage Company tried on the Thames a launch twenty- six feet in length, five feet in beam, and drawing......

The Times Argues Very Strongly In Favour Of Separating The

Regius Professorship of Hebrew at Oxford from the Canonry of Christ Church, and permitting the Crown to appoint a lay- man to the Chair. We should heartily support its recom-......

Mr. Fawcett Made A Long And Very Able Speech To

his consti- tuents on Tuesday. After referring with just pride to the improvements in his Department, and telling his hearers that he would not give them the Parcel Post till......

The Archbishop Of Canterbury Has Lain Ill Throughout The...

but his condition has decidedly improved, and distinct hopes are now entertained of at least partial recovery. His case is another argument for the old belief that men who reach......

Consols Were On Friday Took To 104


Is There Not Something Undignified On The Part Of The

'trades- Union Congress in proposing to prohibit the payment of wages in public-house s by legislative statute ? What prevents them prohibiting it for themselves P Even......

Lord Carnarvon On Thursday Delivered A Long Address At...

which illustrates what we have said elsewhere,—that no Conservative will oppose Mr. Gladstone the less for the Egyptian victory. He quite admitted the need of the Expedition,......

Mr. Shaw-lefevre, In A Speech At Reading On Thursday, In

svhich he described Ireland as recovering, the Closure as abso- lutely necessary, and the country as contented with the Ad- ministration, put the argument for extreme moderation......

'rhe Dispute About The Famine In Iceland Affords A Remark-

able example of the difficulty, not to say the impossibility, of obtaining accurate facts about the condition of any place. It has been reported, apparently with the full......