30 SEPTEMBER 1882, page 1

News Of The Week

V ERY little intelligence has been received from Egypt this week, and that little is not, on the whole, satisfactory. The Khedive has returned to Cairo, and the Egyptian......

The British Government And The Khedive Have Decided To Act

with a wise lenity in dealing with the rebellion. A general amnesty will, it is stated, be shortly published, from which none but a small number of leaders will be excluded.......

The Country Has Heard, With A Sensation Of Unmixed Surprise,

that a Government like that of Mr. Gladstone has sanctioned the appointment of Baker Pasha as head of the new Egyptian Gendarmerie,—that is, virtually, Commander-in-Chief in......

The Fighting Chiefs Are Rewarded First, As Usual. It Is

officially announced that both General Wolseley and Admiral Seymour have been offered and have accepted peerages. Honours to sub- ordinates cannot, of course, be distributed......

No Hint Whatever Has Transpired As Yet As To The

plan which the Government will propose for Egypt, and it is probable that none as yet has been decided on. The cause of delay is partly the necessity of consulting local......

An " Accident " Severe Enough To Be Described In

detail by telegraph occurred at Cairo at four p.m. on Thursday. Two trains of ammunition, on two separate lines of rail, which had just come into Cairo, exploded, killing one......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any...
